Asahi Transnational


[NDT] 2025 Updated Guide for the Registration of X-ray CT Inspection System (Radiation Generator) in Thailand


In Thailand, if you plan to install equipment that produces radiation, such as X-ray fluoroscopy inspection equipment or CT scanner system for non-destructive testing, there are procedures to inform a government agency, Office of Atoms for Peace, Ministry of Science and Technology (OAP). Last time in 2020, we published a web post about the 6 step procedures for X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) registration. This time, we have contacted the person in charge at OAP again and compiled the latest information on the installation and notification of radiation generators to be useful for our customers. There are actually several updates from the previous one:


■If the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) has energy below 1MeV with the shielded cabinet, you only need to submit a notification—no license application by an RSO officer is required.
■If the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) is greater than 1MeV, the “Application for License to Possess a Radiation Generator” is required. This process also requires an RSO officer.
■The application form has been updated to reflect the new policy.
■The corresponding web page has also been updated.


1. How to Identify Your X-ray CT Inspection System (Radiation Generator) Type for Registration

Please make sure you know what type of radiation generator your X-ray CT inspection system is.
More information can be found on the website: Link
The types of radiation generators are categorized into 4 types as follows :


Type 1: Extremely Dangerous

  • Radiation generators with a maximum radiation energy greater than 1MeV such as Linear particle accelerator, Cyclotron, and Synchrotron.
  • Must apply for a radiation generator license.

Type 2: Dangerous

  • Radiation generators with energy below 1MeV, with open or unshielded use, or in use with humans.
  • Must apply for a radiation generator license.

Type 3: Potentially Dangerous

  • Radiation generators with energy below 1MeV, with shielded use and not in use with humans, such as X-ray fluoroscopy or CT scanners used for non-destructive testing (NDT) of materials. During the NDT inspection process, X-rays are generated within the sealed system, therefore, the radiation generator is classified as Type 3 (potentially dangerous).
  • Notify the Office of Atoms for Peace.

Type 4: Medical Use

  • Radiation generators with energy below 1MeV, used exclusively for medical diagnostic purposes.
  • Notify the Department of Medical Sciences.


We anticipate that most of our customers will use the Type 3 X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator). Therefore, the following step is based on the Type 3 radiation generator.


2. Fill Out the Notification Form

■Get the official form for registering an X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator). You can download form at
■Provide information about your company:

  • Include your company’s name, address, and contact details. You’ll also need to provide a copy of the identification for a person acting on behalf of the company, such as a copy of your ID or passport (if you are not Thai).
  • State if you are using the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) for your own purposes or if you’re planning to sell it.
  • Specify that the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) will be used for industrial purposes like product testing.
  • Provide contact information for the person in charge of the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator).
  • Include all the technical details about the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) including its type, manufacturer, model, serial number, and maximum voltage/energy, as well as how you will use it (fixed, mobile, or handheld/portable), whether you just possess it or use it, when it was last inspected for safety, how you obtained it and when you started using it.


3. Collect Supporting Documents


  • If you are a company registered in Thailand, prepare your registration documents. If the director of the company is not Thai, provide a copy of his or her passport.
  • If someone else is acting for your company, include the official power of attorney.


  • Provide a map and address contact information of the location where the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) will be used as well as a layout of the building and surrounding areas.


  • Include technical specifications and the safety inspection report for the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator). If the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) is portable, include safety documentation from the country of origin. Include evidence of use of personal radiation monitoring devices for your staff.


  • Include clear photos of the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator), its surroundings and the labels that show the X-ray equipment’s manufacturer, model, serial number, maximum voltage/energy and the radiation warning labels.

■Ensure that all copies of documents are certified as true copies


4. Submit Your Application

■You can submit the application in one of these ways:

  • In Person at the One Stop Service counter at the Office of Atoms for Peace , Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
  • Apply by post mail to Office of Atoms for Peace at 16 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Lat Yao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 (Please write “License Application on the corner of the envelope)
  • Via the electronic system of the Office of Atoms for Peace.
    Noted: As of January 2025. Application via electronic system not yet available.
  • Via Electronic Mail (Email)
    Documents must be in Portable Document Format (PDF) with a resolution of at least 150 dpi. If authorisation is granted, the original authorisation document must be sent via postal mail.


5. Registration Processing Period

■OAP will take up to 45 days to process your application.
■If your documents are incomplete or incorrect, the OAP will contact you.


6. Safety Inspection Report for X-ray CT Inspection System

■The safety of the X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) should be regularly inspected and assessed. It’s necessary to submit a copy of the inspection report every 2 years. Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT) provides this service. For Receiving service you can go to the website and for more information:ศูนย์บริการเทคโนโลยีนิวเคลียร์/งานบริการตรวจประเมินความปลอดภัยเครื่องกำเนิดรังสี(X-ray)


7. Personal Radiation Dose Assessment for the Operator of X-ray CT Inspection System

■Personal radiation dose assessment using an Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter (OSL) ,an aluminum oxide crystal, can be used for recording, evaluating and reporting the radiation dose received during work. This allows you to use for the assessment report to comply with the law and is used for planning operations to reduce the amount of radiation that operators receive in cases where your organization uses high doses of radiation. It must be inspected and evaluated every 3 months.ศูนย์บริการเทคโนโลยีนิวเคลีย/งานบริการประเมินปริมาณรังสีประจำบุคคล%20(แผ่นวัดรังสี%20OSL)


The notification of possession or use of a radiation generator doesn’t have an expiry date The notification will be valid until the person who made the notification wants to cancel it.


■Remember that registering your X-ray CT inspection system (radiation generator) is mandatory, even if you don’t need a license to use it.
■If there is a radiation emergency, call the hotline (1296).


Information in this document is as of February, 2025.
We conducted a research by:

  • Contacting the Radiation Generator Licensing Division, as well as the website of the Office of Atoms for Peace, Ministry of Science and Technology
  • Website of Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology

Special thanks to OAP officer for explaining us the details