ADSTEFAN Version 26 [NEW]

Casting Simulation Analysis Software for Aluminum, Zinc and Iron Alloy
ADSTEFAN is a casting CAE software for aiding designers to create a casting model. ADSTEFAN can analyse how the molten metal flows into the mold as well as how the solidification process looks like then making such data readily visible so that defects in casting can be predicted at the early designing stages which can contribute to reduce the number of trial castings, shorten the production period and lower the cost. This casting simulation software was developed by an industry-academia joint project led by Professor Niyama and Professor Anzai of Tohoku University in Japan. Professor Niyama is also famous for Niyama Criterion, which predicts shrinkage defects with parameters consisting of temperature gradient and cooling rate, and is used in many casting simulation software in the world today. ADSTEFAN has already had extensive customer base in Japan and now supports English, Chinese and Thai languages, too. This CAE software uses FDM (Finite-Difference Methods) mesh which provides an easy operational experience with a steep learning curve and also its unique solver provides a substantial calculation time reduction. There are further enhanced features in the latest ADSTEFAN version 26 available now. >>See more
Our Impression:
This CAE software is highly cost performanced. The mesh generation is automated therefore the preparation before the simulation takes less time. The operation is easy and supporting various casting methods such as die-casting, gravity casting, low-pressure casting, tilt casting, precision casting, centrifugal casting and continuous casting. If it’s the first time to implement a casting CAE analysis, start challenging by ADSTEFAN annual license would be an ideal way. If you work in a manufacturing subsidiary of a multinational company, please refer to this article. >>Read more
PRODUCT | Casting Analysis: Casting Simulation Software |
MANUFACTURE | Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd. |

Simulation Software for Calculating Materials Properties for Alloys
JMatPro is software that calculates physical properties, thermodynamic properties and mechanical properties of an alloy from its chemical composition. Customers who have original materials can use this software to calculate its material property values and use them as an input data for CAE software. ADSTEFAN has an interface specially for JMatPro and it’s easy to import the calculation results and perform a casting simulation.
PRODUCT | Casting Analysis: Calculation Software for Alloys Material Properties |
MANUFACTURE | Sente Software Ltd. |

Industry Standard CT Data Analysis and Visualization Software
Volume Graphics products are CT data analysis and visualization software independent of non-destructive inspection equipment manufacturers and are industry standard software currently used with many major X-ray CT inspection systems in the industry. VGSTUDIO can visualize the voxel data acquired by the X-ray CT inspection equipment in 2D and 3D, and can also create animation within the VGSTUDIO function. The high-end product VGSTUDIO MAX has basic functions related to CT data analysis and visualization, as well as various add-on modules that can be selected according to the inspection application. For example, Porosity/Inclusion Analysis Module that detects pores or shrinkage cavities in castings is one of the add-on module. Package products that come with several add-on modules according to the inspection field are also available. CT project data which created by VGSTUDIO MAX can be viewed with myVGL, a free CT viewer software. Not only rotating or moving the CT scan model to evaluate at any angle or cross section but having some simple measurement tools in the software. Please refer to another article for how to use myVGL.>>Learning myVGL Basics within 10 minutes
PRODUCT | Casting Analysis: CT Analysis / Visualization Software |
MANUFACTURE | Volume Graphics GmbH |